Friday Fictioneers – Blizzard

Photo Prompt © J Hardy Carroll

It took the rescuers a month to dig their way to the mountain cabins through snowdrifts a metre high. Dagmar’s was the last they reached.

“Don’t reckon it’ll be pretty,” Sergeant Rasmussen warned the volunteers. That morning they’d found Sven and Inga’s frozen bodies wrapped together in a final embrace, each of the children neat and cold in their beds. All the children bar two. The dog had eaten them.

They forced their way into Dagmar’s house, crunching over the litter of small bones. The cleaver caught Rasmussen in the neck.

“Food,” the old lady croaked in relief.



Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

79 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Blizzard

  1. Dear Neil,

    Now that was a grisly tale. Nothing like carryout, is there?

    You made me grin with Sven and Inga. We had a cat who had a litter of kittens. Two of them were orange and white, a male and a female. Guess what the lady who adopted them named them?

    Good one.



    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely, grisly build up – loved those details and descriptions throughout. And then that ending – wow! Poor Rasmussen! Poor Dagmar! Makes me wonder what (or who) she’s been eating in the meantime … Well turned horror Neil

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great ending. I’ve grown tired of movies where the villain gets up after seemingly being killed, only for one more failed attempt at the hero. I like the word “Cleaver.” That was clever.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. YIKES … that was a bit gruesome. I guess when you’re starving you become delusional and will eat anything. : ( Grandma must have been a strong woman to have survived. I think I’ll skip lunch today.
    And, avoid meat too. Very creepy good writing …
    Isadora 😎

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  5. Oooh, a wonderfuly grisly tale emerges from a picturesque winter landscape opening. The dog’s meal was a nice touch but, as it turns out, only an amuse bouche ahead of the old lady! I didn’t see that coming (and neither did Raussman 🙂 )

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  6. Wonderfully done. The description of the family setting us up for one thing, before giving us something completely different. Rasmussen was right – it wasn’t pretty.

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