Friday Fictioneers – Twins

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

Madame Mimi and Madame Zoe Stael have not been seen together for over twenty years. If you’d met them then, you’d have been unable to tell them apart. They’re twins, you see. Now they fight on opposite sides of our war.

I wonder how this is possible. To be born of the same place, the same season—that should make them the same person. Twins trouble me. We are each unique, except for those born together. My uncle says twins are not people but birds.

Today, after the battle, only one of the pair will survive. The victor will become a person, and we will know our path.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

41 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Twins

  1. Dear Neil,

    Hello a day early. 😉 Oops. Twins are a mystery. There are stories out there now of identical twins separated at birth who find each other years later to find how alike they are. My daughter in law is an identical twin. Two very different personalities.
    Love this story. Poignant and thought provoking.



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  2. Oy to the insane realities of war. All war is insane. Twins fighting each other only highlights the absurdity of all wars. Well done!
    As for twins, we only have the boy+girl combos in my family, which are still a bit flighty but not quite as bird’ish as identical twins can be. …


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  3. An interesting world, where woman fight wars and twins are somehow cursed, and yet it’s a world reflecting our own where wars are fought to determine the way we should go. There are many overtones to your story, Neil.

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