Friday Fictioneers – It’s alive


The pine cones may have been a mistake. The squirrels steal them, you see. But I needed something with the vital essence, to breathe life into my creature. Anyone can make a robot these days, calculating engines with grabbers. But to build a living creature, with a soul! Now, wouldn’t that be something!

Do you think I need to change up the pine cones? It’s true, trees have exceedingly contemplative souls. Do you think something nimbler would be an improvement? A human heart perhaps?


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

67 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – It’s alive

  1. Always love a good mad scientist story. And you made me contemplate what made a better heart. I think the world would be better of with the pine cones or maybe heart-wood than a human heart.

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  2. He could use the squirrels to “run” the machine — pine cones as carrots on a stick. Not the same as a bolt of lightening or two for reanimation, but . . . a repurposing, upcycle of those pesky varmits.

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  3. I guess it’s not going to be a contemplative robot then, Neil! Now I can’t get the vision out of my head of a wee robot sitting in the lotus position with a circle of squirrels waiting impatiently for it to nod off – as all good contemplatives do – so that they can eat its heart out! (Sorry!)

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