

Marnie disappeared slowly. So slowly, I didn’t notice her going. Like any good barkeep, she listened – absorbing tales of sorrow, protestations of innocence, and howls of outrage. Listened and never commented – just faded until she vanished into the mahogany bar top, the racked bottles, and nicotine-yellowed walls.

There was theatre to it. She bent emotion around her until she became invisible. Theatre and magic make us see stuff that’s not there. And not see what is. I miss Marnie.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

62 thoughts on “Disappearance

  1. I can only echo what Sandra and Rochele have said – lovely, melancholic tale. Some people do just that – fade into the background until no one notices when they wink out of existence. Lovely tale, Neil 🙂

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  2. Well written, I can see this quite clearly in my mind as Marnie fades into the background. In fact, until I zoomed in on the photo I didn’t notice she was there.


  3. Excellent writing. I needed to look twice before I saw the barmaid, too. It’s heartbreaking how we don’t notice when people become invisible and only realize too late. I miss Marnie, too.

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  4. Wonderful characterization of Marnie. It made me wonder how barkeep must feel invisible all the time, tending to people’s drinks and problems. Who do they talk to at the end of the day? Great write, Neil.

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  5. She’s trapped there, behind the bar, ‘like any good barkeep’, as the customers dump all their woes and worries on her. No wonder she disappeared. There was theatre and magic in her disappearing act, and there’s certainly artistry in your telling of it. Captivating story.

    Liked by 1 person

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