Friday Fictioneers – Fame

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

The man who came back from space is upstairs dying. When Dad returned, there were medals, starbursts fireworks, and marching bands.  He was war hero and celebrity rolled into one, and also my father. Some rubbed off on me – at school I got the girls.

But he never talked about it.  Not to me, or anyone. He never did anything again and became more and more withdrawn, taking to his bed five years ago. Though I keep hoping he’ll tell me the secret of the stars, all he’s said is “fame’s not all it’s cracked up to be”.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.



57 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Fame

  1. Ok. So fame ain’t everything. And I guess neither is having your head in the clouds or sky or stars.
    What about money?

    Enjoyed the story – and enjoyed reading the diverse comments you got regarding the story


  2. I think he saw something up there, you know, in the stars. Perhaps it shocked him to the core and he was never the same again. Either that or perhaps mundane life was never the same again. That’s what I’m thinking.


  3. It’s so sad that this seems to have been the highlight of his life and he couldn’t get happy with less afterwards. Or he really saw something. Luckily many of the ‘old’ astronauts are very active in promoting education and research. And then there’s Buzz Aldrin with his ‘Get your a… to Mars’ campaign. Uhm. tldr; Great story!


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