The Scrivener’s Forge 2: Character, Desire, and Plot


A new writing exercise every month. When you focus on one aspect of writing at a time, you can concentrate on making it the best you can possibly create. That way you can reach a professional level that may be harder with longer works. We’ll explore one aspect of the craft each month.

If you comment on other writers’ efforts, they’ll usually comment on yours. So you get lots of critiques, advice, and encouragement.

Please don’t post your entry in comments here. Create your entry on your own blog, and then click <“An InLinkz Link-up“> to join the link-up and read other people’s work.

Character Desire and Plot

Plots engage our interest, but characters engage our hearts. For a story to grip the reader, the main character must undergo change. Once you have a character with a desire, you have a plot. The plot is about how the character struggles to overcome obstacles and achieve their desire, or fails to do so.


Think of a character. Then ask yourself: what does this character want?  What is stopping them achieving their desire? What must they do to overcome these obstacles?  Write a brief scene, the climax of the story, in which your character confronts the obstacles.

12 thoughts on “The Scrivener’s Forge 2: Character, Desire, and Plot

  1. Its funny that I am so behind in my blogging. I posted a story on my blog. The second in a long series I hope. Then I clicked on this post.
    I am not sure if it meets the criteria, but, I’m giving it a go.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    – Lisa

    Liked by 1 person

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