Friday Fictioneers – The Wrong Destination

PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier Deria

Oi, mate! This is the wrong afterlife. You’ve made a mistake. I’ve no clue what to do with the Tupperware. Nothing against the ladies, you understand—they’re very pretty. Nubile even. And the fields are definitely Elysian. But I don’t belong here.

In case of further booking errors, I’m also not Christian. So no harps and heavenly choirs, okay?

I couldn’t have been clearer. Feasting, carousing, a little banging of fists on trestles, a spot of wrestling. The reservation was for Valhalla. Valkyries, not nymphs. No substitutions acceptable.


This isn’t hell, is it?


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

70 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Wrong Destination

  1. Ison’t think any of us understood that plastic is the next thing to eternal. When it first became a household product, we were totally enthralled. Imagine waking up and realizing you were in Plastic “Paradise.” This one made me laugh.

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  2. Perhaps it is Hell. On arrival you are issues with one glass and two Tupperware bowls. But it is not a place for picnics, or merriment; be prepared for late night feasts of Ghoul porridge and warm mulled wine.

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      1. At the risk of highjacking your comment stream Neil, if anybody can help me. Example, I can follow the LINK to the stories, but can’t comment or like on people’s pages. I have to go back into my own WordPress admin, search the author page, and like from within my own WordPress ‘reader’ page. If I try to LIKE from an author page, a white screen flashes. Even if I’m signed in. Any help appreciated. Can email


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