Friday Fictioneers – Help

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

This isn’t a story. If you’re reading this, please help. Okay, I’ll admit I was looking on your computer for dirt I could use to blackmail you. And, as you can imagine, I found plenty. That business with Mary was … well, who I am I to judge?

I’m not exactly a nice person. But I didn’t deserve this, trapped as a recurring algorithm in your desktop. Maybe my body is wandering around by itself out there, maybe it fell down dead. Just press the keys and release me. Please.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

68 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Help

      1. Yeah … well … my assumption is that everything is pretty much out in the open these days, if someone seeks to look hard enough for it and has the skill to do so. Also, I’m afraid you’d be terribly bored … 😉
        (great angle on today’s realities of hacking, dark-web and delusions of privacy …)

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  1. No one is coming out to be nice person here. Neither the hacker nor the owner of computer. Everyone has some dirty laundry to hide. This ability to peek into someone else’s computer is a power. Teach me.


  2. Blackmail your way out. That computer has to be connected to the internet, which gives you access to everything. Drain accounts. Post shit on social media. Download kiddie porn. Shit, you’re much more dangerous on the inside than out.

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