Friday Fictioneers – Cavity

PHOTO PROMPT © Mikhael Sublett

You can never take it back. One look at her eyes, wide as a cartoon, and her trembling hands was enough. She’d seen the anger he’d locked away and could never feel safe again.

“It’s a prophecy,” he tried. “See, like in the painting.”

He gestured at the hole his fist had made in the wall and then at the picture, the one mirroring the other. “They’re the same.”

Hoping for hidden treasure, he reached into the cavity. Silent, she shook her head. His fingers closed on nothing, and he knew the real emptiness he’d revealed was his own.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

57 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Cavity

  1. Wow. Reading yours now (I only read others’ after I write and post mine), I see how we both went the direction of violence upon substance as a reflection of something quite lacking. And .. I don’t blame her for never feeling safe again. Impulsive violence is often a mark of more violence to come. Brilliant and shattering, that. Pun and all. Na’ama


  2. :::Gulp:::: She needs to start sleeping with one eye open or with a lock on the door and him in another room. Been there done that. At least he still has a *tenuous* connection with reality in a semi self-aware way. That could break at any moment… Superb storytelling, Neil.

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