Friday Fictioneers – Parting

PHOTO PROMPT © Dawn Miller

Perhaps because his mother was not of this land, he was always able to dream of other things, places, possibilities.

But when the opportunity came to leave, he hesitated. It would mean parting from Bertha. If only she would bid him go with an easy heart! But she couldn’t. She cried and begged.

And his going was soured.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

63 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Parting

  1. I always wished one of my parents had not been of this land and would have encouraged me to go out and discover… maybe not military, for me, but still. At least I’ve started in my 50’s!
    It would have been more pleasant had Bertha been able to wish him well…

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  2. I’m with Bertha on this one. If his only reason for going is ‘adventure’, I’d make sure he knew how much his selfishness hurt me.
    Good pithy story-telling, Neil. You really persuaded me to think about your characters and their dilemma.

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