Friday Fictioneers – Keep America Beautiful

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PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

As you can imagine, I was outraged. Finger pointing at the pile of trash dumped on the sidewalk, I tried to summon words: “Who? Who? Who?”

Henry, who liked to think of himself as something of a wit, jibed “What are you? An owl?”

I tried again. “What? What kind,” my lip curled, “… of person  … does this?”

“Pretty ugly,” he agreed. “A real eyesore.”

And then it came to me, a chance to out-Henry Henry. “Help keep America beautiful. Throw away something lovely today.”

We strolled on, laughing.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

57 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Keep America Beautiful

  1. Biting political commentary, Neil. It does represent the current demented mindset of American leadership. When I watched and listened to his comments about the current wildfires consuming the West Coast, I wasn’t laughing.

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  2. LOL. That’s one way to make America a little prettier, I guess. I feel like it might be a bad idea in the long term, not that this matters to our current administration. By the way, are you a natural-born U.S. citizen over 35? Just wondering. I find myself asking random people this question lately. No reason.

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