Friday Fictioneers – Field Report

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

The natives are more notable for their industriousness than cleanliness. I cannot pass among them unnoticed because their skin has a deathly pallor, but they will talk to strangers. Many worship a man nailed to a tree, whom they consume symbolically on their holy day. They carry his image as a talisman around their necks, believing this will protect them from evil spirits.

Leadership is poorly developed, and they choose chiefs to make their decisions for them, rather than thrashing out problems in community meetings as civilised people do. Wealth is determined by possession and ritual display of little bits of paper, rather than by the real utility of cattle. I miss the heat of the savannah.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

57 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Field Report

      1. Well, for me it is an accurate and scathing indictment of our society.
        You expose religion, politics and capitalism as false gods.
        And then you have a wee dig at the weather – brilliant!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I often look at our society and wonder how one who is alien to our culture would view it. I usually view most of it as strange. The device of torture worn around necks and nailed to walls as a talisman is a particular oddity to me. That’s a peculiar way to show how civilized one is. Of course, if we switch to the cow system, I’ll be poorer than I am now. Well done.

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  2. I have long thought that travel to warm country’s should be offered under our health care system, it would warm my bones and give me colour. Yes you have got me thinking,

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  3. I too worship the Man who was on the cross. I don’t see the cross as an instrument of torture but as a token of God’s love for mankind and His Son’s willingness to lay down His life. You’re right. There as some who literally think that they are consuming His flesh and blood when they take the Holy Communion. Of course, it was meant to be symbolic not literal. Very thought provoking piece, Neil.

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