Friday Fictioneers – Job Interview

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Now the orange guy has gone, I’m a cert for a career in journalism. No more fake news.

Umm, well, we never did fake news. We just do news. No matter who’s in power, true is true.

Yeah, the pointy heads really like truth. It’s meat and drink to them. You’d think they don’t need to wipe after they poop. Okay, I can do true.

I’m not sure reporting is for you. To be brutally frank, you seem to have one or two prejudices.

Sure, but I’m balanced. That’s good, right?


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

50 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Job Interview

  1. Yep, every news story can have different impact on the audience from the perspective of the report. The same story told and visually shown illustrates whatever the broadcaster wants to emphasise. Neither are fully false or truly true. It seems that actual facts are boring without some form of spin.
    To me your story picks up these points clearly.


  2. Balance is good, Neil.
    Remember this?
    ‘Senior BBC executives think it’s wrong to expose lies told by a British prime minister because it undermines trust in British politics.’

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Quite a conversation this guy has going on in his head. Each of us can convince ourselves of just about anything. Rationalization has been the root of a lot of evil but also a lot of good. We shall see what we shall see as the future unfolds….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LOL. Not all balance is good balance. Made me think of the movie about and the book by Deborah Lipstadt that made me rethink both/and logic when applied to certain kinds of “alternate truth.” But, I’m a creative writing major. I would make a *terrible* journalist. Two very different jobs and mindsets. At least I know I would make a terrible journalist, so that’s something? Fun story that made me think!


      1. Well I absolutely deny the existence of climate. So I have already chosen my side. But I am open to rational debate. With charts. And graphics. 👍 (PS I am kidding. I do in fact believe in the existence of things like science. And climate change. Just FYI.)


  5. I do wish there was more truth. These days it is really hard to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not. Social media can make that even more confusing. And the fact that technology gives us the ability to edit out and put in words in the person’s own voice doesn’t help. This was a great take on the prompt.

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