Friday Fictioneers – Making Memories

PHOTO PROMPT © Russell Gayer

I am not here now. I serve the future. We are making memories. One day, Mary, we’ll look back and see how happy we were today: the freedom of the open road in our campervan; the exotic food we ate; the carefree way we ran into the breakers and embraced.

Such memories!

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

69 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Making Memories

  1. I’m wondering about the significance of the first two sentences. Can’t seem to get my head round it. Is it that we just get on with our lives, wrapped up in what we’re planning for the future and not evaluating the quality of what we’re doing now? Poignant though.

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  2. Who needs 100 words when 50 will do? Smashing story, Neil. I want to live in the moment, and have memories as well!
    It’s funny how technology is affecting human behaviour. I have a 7 month old grandchild and, because of Covid, most of my interaction has been via mobile phone. The astonishing thing is, she knows it’s me on the screen. She also knows that the baby on the screen is her, and whenever the phone is pointed at her she gives a big grin and preens herself. Frightening, isn’t it?!

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  3. How often does this happen? That, instead of being in the moment and enjoying it, we are taking pictures to make sure we remember them later (mind you, I am very guilty and hope that I am doing both!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Creating memories? We might end up like the woman who bought heaps of cyclists down in Tour de France while creating her memory 🙂

    Living in the moment – now that’s an art.

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  5. Like Sandra, I stumbled over the first sentence ‘I am not here now’. It reminded me of the Instagram people who are so busy taking photographs for making memories that they don’t ‘feel’ the moment. Looking at your replies, I obviously misunderstood your meaning.

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  6. That’s a question I often ask myself, Neil, when I’m trying to capture a scene with my phoner camera ‘for the future’: why am I not simply content to be here now and fully enjoy the moment? And the memory will still be there for the future. So well captured, Neil, and a lovely relationship cameo too.

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  7. This particular van used to travel to a lot of music festivals. I’ve spent the past couple of years working on history articles. I’m sure none the people I’m researching and writing about were too concerned with making memories.

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  8. I see. All of our memories, even sensory will be in the cell phone photographs. Will we remember how happy we felt….snapping the photo? I hope that I try to put down the camera long enough to enjoy the moment. Wonderful story, Neil.

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