Friday Fictioneers – Magic Boy

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

He liked confined spaces. In all that vast mansion, his favourite spot was the understairs cupboard. When I asked why, he’d ruffle his tousled hair, grin a toothy grin, and say he was waiting for the owl from Hogwarts.

“But you’re not an abused boy,” I’d argue. “So you don’t have to live below stairs.”

“I’m a magic boy,” he’d reply, as if no more explanation were necessary.

That’s the trouble with books—they bring alarming possibilities into the world.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

62 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Magic Boy

  1. Nicely observed piece – kids do love to build or find their own small spaces to make a den in. As for the dangers of Harry Potter, well, let’s say it introduced a lot of people to reading, and that can only be a good thing.

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