Friday Fictioneers – Beauty is Truth


Leon stood, hands on hips, gazing up. Movement atop the campanile—two soldiers and a glint of light on glass. Yes, the tower held an enemy observation post. And oh, it was exquisitely beautiful.

A trio of Nazi soldiers strolled by, cat-calling to passing signorinas. Leon restrained the impulse to pull the cap lower over his eyes, a gesture that might have drawn attention.

He turned, retracing his steps back to his unit. His duty was clear—to call-in an artillery strike. But the tower was history. It embodied Pisa.

“Nope,” Leon reported. “Nothing there.”


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

64 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Beauty is Truth

  1. A reminder of those WW2 days. I think the German troops had retreated before someone decided to demolish this building, as they did so many others to route out snipers. So was this tower saved by chance, or did our US soldier have a cultural conscience and saved this historical place? I like to think he did.

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  2. Great story, Neil. I really loved the fusion of history, with the mindset of your protagonist. I really felt myself there and was grateful for a bit of humanity in the madness of war.
    Best wishes,

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