Friday Fictioneers – Genius


Among us, Spence was the creative genius: street corner smarts, but still a genius, so of course we called him Prof, and thought the joke original.

“Best place to pull birds,” Smiler insisted, “is the pub. You just gotta say something clever.”

“Like what?” Spence asked.

“Oh like, ‘I must be in heaven cos you look like an angel.’”

“That works, does it?”

Smiler’s smirk faltered. “Not always.”

“Not ever. Laundrette is best, mate. They’re sitting down and are bored.”

“And what’s your pick up line?”

“’Can I help you fold your sheets, love.’”

Like I said, genius.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

52 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Genius

  1. My money is on the pub right around halfway to closing time. Bored doesn’t mean stupid. I guess if he kept showing up at the laundromat and didn’t give off a creep vibe, he might have a chance… Good story either way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Silly me. I’ve always thought church and dog parks were best.
    Clearly genius is right.
    And if she does not go for that line, just tell her not to get her panties in a wad. 🙂


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