Friday Fictioneers – Ethan


“Ethan, Ethan,” the girl beside me screams, her arms outstretched to the distant stage.

Elsewhere in the crowd, fans cry out for their favourites, but those nearby catch the call. “Ethan, Ethan.”

Call and refrain: a bubble rising from the deep, a colour washing through the palette. Green, let’s name our colour green. Our green spreads and ripples through the roiling host. Now it’s half the stadium, pulsing and merging with the wash of yellow from the other wall.

I belong. It’s us—we are the living thing, we are the spectacle and the glory. Here we manufacture gods.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

37 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Ethan

  1. Manufactured gods, indeed. Totally insane! I went to only one concert in my life… just for the experience. See no point in spending that much for insanity. Ahhh, but I got a front row seat on the stage so who am I to argue.

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  2. So I wasn’t alone in using gods as a theme in my story. I have never, ever, wanted to be part of such a huge mass of emotional people. Same kind of feeling I get when I see old films of massive crowds praising Hitler.

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