Friday Fictioneers – The Window


My window is my television on the world. Drama, comedy—it has them all. Cheery Emma, resolutely walking the dog that’s her final fraying thread of love. Mr. Michaelson sneaking into the neighbours’ house once her husband has left for work. And my favourite—the Sadie and Dan show, which even has volume. Night before last, he came home drunk, and she’d locked him out. Great Heavens, what a banging and wailing and pleading there was! She opened the upstairs window, shouted, and emptied something over him.

When the thrill of viewing palls, I may turn to poison pen letters.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

52 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Window

  1. Since I retired, I’m the neighborhood watch-woman. Only occasionally do I see something I question, like four young men sitting on the hood of their car smoking cigarettes and laughing in our neighbor’s driveway. Say what? I still haven’t thought about poison pen letters, but there’s still time.

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